Smash Bros. Melee
My Score: IGNcube:
9.6 GameSpot:8.9
For lots
of people, Super Smash Bros Melee is the system seller for the GameCube.
The game is just so huge and is carrying such a large fan-base from
the first title. Melee is an excellent game that deserves every
little ounce of praise it gets. Its graphics are smooth and some
of the best seen on any system ever. The sound is truly beautiful,
with fully orchestrated background tunes and dead-on sound effects.
The controls are tight and responsive and very well designed. Gameplay
is top-notch, with tons of different modes to play though
and a multiplayer element that is truly unbeatable. The game will
never die, and will remain fresh time and time again. Super Smash
Bros Melee is easily the best game available for the GameCube this
year. Unless you did not like the first one, you owe it to yourself
(and your friends) to own this game.